Workday Integration

Unlock the Power of Seamless Integration with iiPay - a Certified Workday Partner

iiPay's HCM integration capability is your gateway to a proven global payroll connection between Workday HCM and iiPay, serving clients across the globe. Our certified solution is designed to offer pre-built integrations, ensuring not only a swift deployment but also maximizing your return on investment.

  • 98%

    of remote workers would like to continue working remotely for the rest of their careers.

Effortless Bi-Directional
Data Flow
Automated Payroll
Minimized Manual Effort and
Error Risk
Continuous Security
Let’s Get Started

Workday Integration

Delivering Seamless Workday Integration

Unlock the Benefits Now

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    Effortless Data Flow: Our integration makes it easy. No more manual data entry – the flow of information between Workday and iiPay for payroll processing is seamless and automated.
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    Streamlined Payroll Processes: Automation is the key. Our global payroll integration ensures your payroll processes become more efficient, reducing errors. Focus on strategic HR tasks instead of administrative burdens.
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    Enhanced Data Security: Our certified integration keeps your connection stable and functional, even with updates. Relax, knowing your payroll data is secure, no matter what changes happen on the HCM side.
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Discover the potential for your organization.

Read more in our case studies.

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